Friday, April 27, 2007

4-25-07 Was so anxious to start things rolling I got my ink fingerprinting done for FBI clearance. (for downloaded coversheet and fingerprinting cards) Good thing I called Don with a question b/c there's a time frame they're good for so he told me not to send them in yet, but instead wait till homestudy is underway a bit. He said "I never had anyone get them done that fast...." lol I should just concentrate on the homestudy stuff first and take one step at a time.
4-24-07 Got my 2nd referral letter.. Thanks Trishy!
4-23-07 Began writing the dreaded autobiography. Its pretty hard to sum up you're whole life in 3-6 pages, especially with the amount of details they give you in the outline to touch upon.
4-20-07 Got fingerprinted and received my first reference letter back from my friend/co-worker John. Thanks John, you're a funny one!
4-18-07 got info in the mail~A LOT of forms! I already forwarded the guidelines for the reference letters to those who will be writing them for me. Made my appointment for fingerprinting needed for the homestudy (only have to wait 2 days) Something tells me, it won't always be this easy ;)
4-13-07 Wow, I can't believe it~I got home and there was a message from Carol, from Reaching Out, with a welcome message and instructing me to check in the mail for the Welcome Packet for Kazakhstan!
4-12-07 I mailed in the application today! As I put the stamps on th envelope, I was deciding which design of return address label to use...Isn't THAT silly!?!? Just seemed like such an important document, to me, that it should be perfect...not labeled with "Sammy the Seagull" from my SSU alumni labels. as I dropped it off at the post office I sat in the car and took a deeb breath. Wow. I did it. I'm oing this. I'm not sure it has sunk in yet.

The beginning

1-31-07 I've decided on "Reaching Out thru International Adoption" in Sommerdale, NJ. After a lot of research and interviewing. I met with coordinators Sonja and Don and was SO comfortable with them and the extensive 3 hours they spent talking with me till all my questions were answered. They're very professional, supportative and knowledgeable. I just felt this was the right place.