Wednesday, May 30, 2007

5-30-07 I heard from my social worker! Her name is Lynette and she's been working with adoptions for about 9 years. She also works or DYFS during the day. It took so long b/c she had the wrong phone number and didnt know it...kept getting busy signals. She was also in the process of moving, so it took longer for her to contact me. We're on the way now. There are 3 meetings required for the homestudy. (1 educational class and 2 meetings with her, at my house.) I was told there is an educational clas THIS weekend, and luckily I wasn't working so I can attend. The next one wasn't until July so I got lucky! Each meeting needs to be 7 days apart so we scheduled my 2 at home meetings for the 11th and 18th. She said not to go crazy cleaning and getting nervous, the hard part of the homestudy is already over (the autobiography, references, etc.) and this is really more of an educational lesson on both our parts...for me its about the process and adoption in general and for her, its to learn about me. Lynette said my home study will then be done by the end of June!! I can't believe it. I thought it was going to take months....I hope I'm not "missing" something.

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